martes, 18 de septiembre de 2018

Space Wheater

Resultado de imagen para clima espacial
What is??

Space Weather is a term which has become accepted over the past few years to refer to a collection of physical processes, beginning at the Sun and ultimately affecting human activities on Earth and in space.

Weather At The Sun

The Sun emits energy, sometimes storms in the Sun release radiation and magnetic fields through the Solar System, sometimes passing through the earth and sometimes not.

Weather Around The Earth

Resultado de imagen para planeta durante una auroraWhen the radiation from the Sun reaches Earth, it runs into our planet's magnetic field and its atmosphere. The radiation and magnetic fields in space weather swirl around Earth. Earth is surrounded by the magnetosphere. It affects depending on what the storms from the Sun are like. But it also depends on how those storms flow around and through Earth's magnetosphere.

Resultado de imagen para sunChanges In Space Weather

Like the climate on Earth, space weather is always changing. Some space weather storms form in minutes or hours. An "active region" in the Sun can last several days or weeks, which causes space storms during all that time. The sun has cycles; for example, the sunspot cycle of 11 years that brings storms.

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